Thursday, March 5, 2009



Dear all.....!!!


Dear all.....!!!

People say that the pearls was very expensive... In fact not....! Lukita produced various quality accessories of freshwater pearl and sea pearl jewelleries with reasonable price. starting from Rp 50,000.- up to (sorry) hundreds of millions Rupiah depends on materials and quality of the pearls.
Lukita concept is sincerely focused on the best end result for customer.
We offer variety of kind of jewelries and accessories that perfectly suit to your wallet...!!! Like unique and cute small brooches/jilbab pints (for Muslims who want to appear pretty, elegant, attractive and fashionable even without wearing white gold).
Want the expensive one...??? You can choose and pick the one that made of gold and beautified with real diamonds, set in timeless classic or modern design, still within your range of price..... This one not only make you more elegant and beautiful, but also can level up your class and prestige...
Lukita pearls jewelries are designed exclusive to represents the high of fashionand add by a touch of luxury, glamour to the everyday lives of women. Colors, designs and materials are considerably transformed into a complete design for a marvelous nights and everyday use.
Want to try to wear pearls? We are always be ready to serve you.

We offer an exentsive collection of accessories and the pearls jewelleries like:
1. Standard rings with pearls and gold rings beautified with pearls and diamonds
2. Standard bracelets with pearls and gold bracelets beautified with pearls and diamonds
3. Standard necklaces with pearls and gold necklaces beautified with pearls and diamonds
4. Standard Earring with pearls and gold ear studs beautified with pearls and diamonds
5. Standard pearls earrings with pearls and gold earrings beautified with pearls and diamonds
6. Standard brooches with pearls and gold brooches beautified with pearls and diamonds
7. Standard veil brooches with pearls and gold veil brooches beautified with pearls and diamonds
8. And many more.

So, if it is your time to wear pearl, come and collect our product of pearls......!!! We do accept order eighter in small party or the big party, like the veil brooches for wedding souvenir etc.. Even if you want to buy loose pearls, we will also make that ready for you.....

To more information please contact:
Mrs. Dini Sahid: +62-0815 8523 4656
Mr. Fatrick: +62-8569 700 8835
The e-mail: /

Photos of our products can be seen on the attached online catalogue.

Please feel free to see and make an order, and collect our accessories and pearls jeweleries.....!


Hallo Semua.....!!!

Kata orang-orang mutiara itu mahal sekali... Padahal tidak loh....! Lukita memproduksi berbagai asesories dan perhiasan mutiara laut dan mutiara air tawar dengan harga yang terjangkau namun tetap berkualitas, mulai dari harga Rp. 50.000,- sampai dengan (Ma'af) ratusan juta rupiah tergantung dari bahan baku dan kualitas mutiaranya. Dan kami bisa menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan kocek Anda loh...!! Seperti bros kecil yang unik dan lucu, peniti jilbab (untuk muslimah yang tetap ingin tampil cantik, anggun dan menawan) tetapi tidak memakai emas putih. Mau harga yang mahal..??? Kita dapat memakai kerangka emas dilengkapi berlian-berlian, ada model yang standar dengan harga sangat terjangkau...... Yang ini selain menambah keanggunan dan kecantikan, tentunya dapat menambah prestige Anda juga loh. Mau coba mengenakan mutiara? Kami siap melayani Anda.

Asesories dan perhiasan mutiara itu sendiri seperti:
1. Cincin mutiara standar dan Cincin mutiara dengan emas dilengkapi berlian-berlian
2. Gelang mutiara standar dan Cincin mutiara dengan emas dilengkapi berlian-berlian
3. Kalung mutiara standar dan Cincin mutiara dengan emas dilengkapi berlian-berlian
4. Giwang mutiara standar dan Cincin mutiara dengan emas dilengkapi berlian-berlian
5. Anting mutiara standar dan Cincin mutiara dengan emas dilengkapi berlian-berlian
6. Bross mutiara standar dan Cincin mutiara dengan emas dilengkapi berlian-berlian
7. Peniti jilbab mutiara standar dan Cincin mutiara dengan emas dilengkapi berlian-berlian
8. Dan lain-lain.

Jadi, cepetan mengoleksi mutiara-mutiara produksiku saja......!!! Kami dapat menerima pesanan dengan partai kecil maupun partai besar juga loh seperti peniti jilbab untuk souvenir pernikahan dll. Mau pesan mutiara lepasan juga ada.....

Untuk lebih lengkapnya dapat menghubungi:
Dini : +62-815 8523 4656
Fatrick : +62-8569 700 8835

E-Mail : /

Contoh-contoh foto beberapa produk kami seperti terlampir dalam katalog online terlampir pula.

Selamat memilih asesories dan perhiasan mutiara ya.....!


CV. LUKITA that familier with the LUKITA HOUSE OF FASHION PEARLS term or Lukitapearls, as the Home Industry various of Accessories and Pearls Jewelery, both freshwater pearls and south sea pearls, were located in the area of Pejaten Timur, Pasar Minggu, Southern Jakarta, Indonesia.

Lukita Pearls produced various products was good for the big party and the retail party for you who wanted to spread his efforts wings in Accessories and Pearls Jewelery, including the graduate's pearls consisted of various form sorts, the measurement, the model, et cetera. The graduate's pearls of the Lukita Pearl collection could be received in a manner the unit or loose pearls. For you that want to used directly also we had them.

For more complete information, several of our products were gotten in website and You All could come directly to our place. For confirmation could send the e-mail: or to and/or You All could contact Mrs. Dini Sahid in +62-815 8523 4656, and Mr. Fatrick in +62-8569 700 8835.

Our Address in:
Jl. Swadaya I / 20, RT. 005/011, Pejaten Timur, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12510. Phone & Fax: +62-21-7890466

We were waiting for the presence You All.
Thank you.

Warm regards,
Lukita & the Management.

CV. LUKITA yang familiar dengan sebutan LUKITA HOUSE OF FASHION PEARLS atau Lukitapearls, sebagai Rumah Produksi berbagai Asesoris dan Perhiasan Mutiara, baik mutiara air tawar maupun mutiara air laut, berlokasi di daerah Pejaten Timur, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia.

Lukita Pearls memproduksi berbagai produk baik untuk partai besar maupun partai eceran bagi Anda yang ingin melebarkan sayap usahanya dibidang Asesoris dan Perhiasan Mutiara, termasuk mutiara lepasan terdiri dari berbagaimacam bentuk, ukuran, model, dan lain-lain. Mutiara-mutiara lepasan koleksi Lukitapearls dapat diperoleh secara satuan maupun secara lepasan. Untuk Anda yang ingin memakai secara langsung juga kami memilikinya.

Bagi Anda yang ingin mengetahui lebih lengkap, beberapa produk kami terdapat di website dan Anda semua dapat datang langsung ketempat kami. Untuk konfirmasi dapat mengirim e-mail: atau ke dan/atau Anda semua dapat menghubungi Mbak Dini Sahid di +62-815 8523 4656, dan Sdr. Fatrick di +62-8569 700 8835.

Alamat kami di:
Jl. Swadaya I / 20, RT. 005/011, Pejaten Timur, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12510. Phone & Fax: +62-21-7890466

Kami tunggu kehadiran Anda semua.
Terima Kasih.

Salam Hangat,
Lukita & Manajemen.



South Sea Pearls which is produced by Oyster acquired as best quality of pearl in the world. South Sea Pearl can be produced either trhough natural or cultured process. Indonesian South sea Pearls are well known for their both in quality and price. Indonesia is one among of the biggest producers of sea pearls.

Pearls is for everybody and thus not only limited for certain class of society. Everybody has every right to wear and use pearl for so many kind of purpose, for a gift, for souvenir, for ladies who want to beauty themselves and to provide self confidence. It is believed that it has a power to level up one's prestige.

We produce jewelries of fresh water pearls with semi precious stones. We also offer jewelries made of south sea pearl arranged in gold and combined with semi precious stones and diamonds, local and or imported one.

For further information you could contact: Mrs. Dini in +62-815 8523 4656 or Mr. Fatrick in +62-8569 700 8835, could also to the E-mail: or fatrick in the working hours.



Indonesian South Sea Pearls sangat terkenal di mancanegara. Indonesia sebagai produsen mutiara laut terbesar di dunia. Baik dari kualitas dan bentuknya juga harganya yang sangat terjangkau oleh semua kalangan.

Mutiara bukan hanya milik segolongan orang saja, semua kalangan berhak mengoleksi dan memakainya untuk kado khusus, ucapan selamat, dipakai agar dapat mempercantik diri dan bahkan menambah gengsi para pemakainya membuat semakin percaya diri.

Anda dapat memesan berbagai jenis model asesoris / perhiasan mutiara laut maupun mutiara air tawar dengan harga sangat terjangkau, mulai dari Rp. 50.000,- hingga Rp. 150.000.000,- / Pcs tergantung bahan dan kualitas mutiaranya. Anda juga dapat memesan butiran mutiara lepasan dengan volume per-gram tergantung bentuk dan kualitasnya pula.

Kami memproduksi berbagai jenis asesories dari mutiara air tawar dan bebatuan semi precious (Batu Masakan). Adapun perhiasan kami rangkai dari mutiara air laut yang dikombinasikan dengan batu mulia dan berlian baik lokal maupun luar negeri.

Untuk lebih lengkapnya dapat menghubungi Sdri. Dini di +62-815 8523 4656 atau Sdr. Fatrick di +62-8569 700 8835, bisa juga ke E-Mail: /




We also accept order of your own jewelery design made of fresh water or south sea pearl. You don't need to be worry with all accents for accessories and jewelries, we will suit to the material according to your budget, trhough which we can make a special unique design for you.

Don't hesitate to contact us in term of any kind of pearl jewelry. We will be very happy to serve you.

Isn't that easy?.

This picture is one of our new high quality and expensive products and of course, the price will be adjusted accordingly.


Anda juga dapat memesan aneka asesoris dan perhiasan mutiara laut dan mutiara air tawar secara khusus pula. Dan Anda dapat membawa rancangannya kepada kami. Kami akan menyesuaikan dengan bahan, ukuran dan lain-lain sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Atau kami yang merancang semuanya juga bisa. Jadi, ga usah bingung-bingung urusan asesoris dan perhiasan mutiara, serahkan saja kepada kami. Kami akan segera membantunya ko. Mudah bukan..!!?

Ini salah satu produk terbaru kami yang harganya cukup mahal.



An easy way to get our extensive range of models and quality fresh water and south sea pearl products;

1. Choose products from our online catalogue
2. Mark on the picture of product or write the code of the picture
3. We also accept your design
4. Mantion how many/quantity of your products
5. Send all those information trhough our e-mail or MMS number
6. We will respond to you immediatly.

Contact Persons:
Dini Sahid : +62-815 8523 4656)
Fatrick : +62-8569 700 8835)
The E-mail :

An interesting discount discount and the generous gift will be yours, depending on how much of your purchase. The more you buy the more you get.

Enjoy your shopping at Lukita Pearl, we would be more than happy to serve you all.


Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan berbagai model asesories dan perhiasan mutiara laut dan mutiara air tawar caranya sangat mudah;

1. Silahkan memilih beberapa produk dalam katalog online kami di
2. Berilah tanda pada foto produk tersebut atau mencatatnya.
3. Kami juga melayani model dan rancangan (Design) Anda.
4. Kirim E-Mail kepada kami atau melalui nomor kontak kami (MMS).
5. Informasikan jumlah kuantitasnya, dan
6. Kami akan segera menindak lanjutin.

CP : Dini ( Mobile = +62-815 8523 4656)
Fatrick (Mobile : +62-8569 700 8835)
The E-mail: /

Kami akan memberikan discount dan hadiah khusus dari total kuantitas belanja Anda.

Selamat berbelanja. Kami senang dapat melayani Anda semua.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



Payment can be made by bank transfer to
Hardini Budisulistyorini,
Bank Mandiri, Account number will be processed after confirmation of your payment received.

Confirmation of payment could contact us:

Mrs. Hardini Budisulistyorini (Dini)
Mobile: +62-815 8523 4656
CP.: Fatrick
Mobile : +62-8569 700 8835


Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui trasfer ke Bank Mandiri, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, A/N; Hardini Budisulistyorini. Semua order akan kami proses jika pembayaran telah dilakukan dan SYAH di bank tersebut setelah ada konfirmasi kepada kami.

Konfirmasi pembayaran dapat langsung menghubungi kami:

Sdri : Hardini Budisulistyorini (Dini)
Mobile : +62-815 8523 4656
CP. : Fatrick
Mobile : +62-8569 700 8835
E-Mail : /



All order which has been paid will be immediately shipped to your address by JNE. It will take 2 - 3 working days.


Ekspedisi barang-barang pesanan yang telah dibayar dan dikonfirmasikan akan segera dikirim ke alamat tujuan dengan jasa titipan JNE. Barang-barang akan tiba ditempat sekitar dua sampai tiga hari kerja tergantung jarak tempuh.



Well, while waiting for the consignment of pearls to your hand, you could witness the Lukita Video that succeeded in being encompassed by the TPI Team Editorial, Jakarta, Indonesia. This video was broadcasted in the Lintas Siang in TPI.


Baik, sambil menunggu kiriman mutiara tiba, Anda dapat menyaksikan Video tentang Lukita yang berhasil dirangkum Tim Redaksi TPI, Jakarta, Indonesia. Video ini disiarkan dalam Lintas Siang di TPI.

And the other one Video (the archives) results of coverage of the Editorial Team of Metro TV Jakarta, Indonesia, that was broadcasted in the Metro TV Periscope as being attached:

Dan yang satu lagi Video (Arsip) hasil liputan Tim Redaksi Metro TV Jakarta, Indonesia, yang disiarkan dalam Periskop Metro TV seperti terlampir: